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Google Analytics Services

Analytics & Statistics Assistance

Google Analytics is a statistical tool which is free and can be used to measure your website traffic as well as monitor user experience on your site. Google provides this tool for many reasons, one of which is that it is likely as beneficial for them, as it is for you. They too want to measure user engagement on your site; such as how many people visit, where they go on the website, how long they spend there, and so on. They use this information to better their search engine results, understand your site, improve their advertising programs and more. Analytics also provides vast information on the users location and demographics of your site visitors which allows you to follow a user’s navigational path through your site. This allows you to set certain pages or actions as ‘goals’ to help you track conversions such as form fills and certain clicks or page visits. For instance, you might consider a download of a particular document, a conversion. This would typically be something that’s hard to track, but not with the power of Analytics.

When setting up a free Google Analytics account, you will be provided with a small piece of code which should be installed on the entire website. This piece of JavaScript code will track users and their activity reporting everything back to Google Analytics, which will store, indefinitely, all of this data and allow you to sort through it inside the Analytics panel. Your webmaster will need to install this piece of code into your website back-end coding and you can set additional users with access permission so that they too can monitor your website traffic. Most marketing companies, while working with you, will want to have at minimum read-access to this panel, as well as your Google Webmaster Tools panel.

When running advertisements or spending time, energy or money on your increasing your web traffic this tool will allow you to measure your return on investment. If you are using an advertising program such as Google Ads, you can link this Analytics account to your Advertising account and the two systems will work together to track and measure your return on investment. Utilizing Analytics with your advertising programs conversion codes and goal settings will allow you to track each individual ad campaign and identify which advertisements work best and are most productive and profitable. Armed with this data, you can effectively increase spend on those campaigns which work while decreasing or eliminating those which do not. Without this valuable information you risk wasting advertising dollars on methods which perform poorly.

Analytics also has extensive reporting capabilities and can be configured and set up to send periodic reports, daily, weekly, monthly and so on. These reports are sent to any email address the account owner would like and can be configured to include certain metrics so that you can be emailed and review only the particular statistics you’re most interested in reviewing. View users demographics, most visited pages, points of site exit, conversions, user behavior and just about anything you could want to measure about your traffic including search terms used to find your site. It’s a valuable tool that any marketer should be utilizing to better understand traffic to the website. Armed with this data can help you make changes and improvements you might not have realized would benefit your business, and your visitors.

General Services:

  • Google Analytics Expert
  • Web Analytics Consultant
  • Google Analytics Specialist
  • Analytics and Statistics Analyst
  • Google Analytics Manager

Specific Services:

  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Google Analytics Reporting
  • Google Analytics Audits
  • Conversion Tracking Specialist
  • Google Analytics Configuration

Tools and Reporting:

  • Data Analysis for Google Analytics
  • Custom Reporting Specialist
  • Google Tag Manager Expert
  • Website Traffic Analysis
  • User Behavior Analyst

Feel free to request more information or call us right now at 561-370-7366. You can also order a strategic consultation to acquire only the immediate technical support or insight you seek.



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SERIOUS ABOUT SEARCH® | Google Analytics Services