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Blog Updating Service

High Quality Blog Updates

No better blog updating service anywhere (period!)

Content remains king and having a blog on your site is a great idea if you plan to utilize content for readers that serve as additional ways for people to stumble upon your website. A blog is also helpful to creating a dialog on your site where people can read and sometimes even comment on content they find interesting or appealing to them, however, a good blog must be kept up-to-date to add value. Many sites have a blog section that has not been updated in months or even years which not only looks bad, but doesn’t serve its purpose.  

Adding content to a website blog can be tedious and some business owners just do not have time, nor the interest, in blogging and keeping a website up to date – yet the blog section remains, there, not being updated. Information for the blog section should be quality content that adds substance to a website and its frequency of updates should be at least once per month, with some of our customers enjoying content updates weekly so that their blog is always providing new rich content as well as additional search engine traffic to their site from people searching about topics that interest them, those which are always closely related to the products or services on that site.

Real Journalists

Our blog updating service utilizes real journalists who take the necessary time to research industry information and then write news-style stories about this information uploading their finished work to the blog section without the owner of the website having to do anything other than just read it, if even that, once in a while.

Our content writers research high quality industry relevant information and will utilize long-standing SEO practices to link to other internal pages of your site from the content which also helps boost search engine rankings as well as creates new additional ways for readers find products and services on the site. This is all done without any intervention from the website or business owner and is an effective way to keep a blog up to date.

Our blogging services are highly customizable and are provided with quality of content as the focus of the project which is the differentiator in how our service is deemed one of the best blogging services. If you have a company blog and no one assigned to keeping that blog up to date, you are better off either getting rid of the blog section entirely or hiring someone to keep it updated.

An empty, old, stagnant blog looks bad so getting someone to keep it up to date is important. Search engines love great sites with frequently updated information and reward them with better rankings.

Our blog updating service can be ordered based on the content type you desire and the frequency necessary. Our writers will develop the content, it then goes to an editor before it is added/posted to your site. The editor will also use royalty free images to add visual appear (and boost search placement) to the story and ensure the story is of the highest editorial quality. This additional editorial step ensures correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and reader appeal before publishing the information; all work is done and completed without any time or effort from the site owner – a complete hands off solution.

General Services:

  • Blog Manager
  • Blog Content Specialist
  • Blog Update Services
  • Blog Writer
  • Blog Editor

Specific Services:

  • Blog Writing Services
  • Blog Post Updating
  • Blog Content Management
  • Blog SEO Optimization
  • Content Refresh Specialist

Content and SEO:

  • SEO Content Writer
  • Blog Content Strategist
  • Keyword Research for Blogs
  • SEO Blog Editor

Feel free to request more information or call us right now at 561-370-7366 for a free strategic consultation.



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SERIOUS ABOUT SEARCH® | Blog Updating Service